This week I applied for a job. Job searching is a task that makes me very nervous. I'm worried that I will not find a job where I want to live. After having a semi long distance relationship for the past three years, I'm ready for the distance to become shorter (or non-existent). I don't want to be picky, but a job as a small animal veterinarian in the upper northwest corner of Iowa is not what I'm hoping for. Or a job description that contains any of the following words: cow-calf, feedlot, mixed animal, or an interest in reproduction. I also do not want to buy the practice now or within the next five years. Is that being picky? I hope not... I like to think of it as knowing what I want and being motivated to find it.
This week I also put a "FOR SALE" sign in my front yard. It truly feels like yesterday that I was looking for a trailer to purchase as an incoming first year veterinary student. It was such an exciting time-- going to orientation, looking at the school, looking at trailers... I had no idea what the next four years would bring. I had no idea that I would come to love vet school so much. I must say I loved it more the first few years than I do right now, but I think that's a good thing. It's almost time to move on and that would be so much more difficult if I was as attached to this school now as I was in the past. It has been an awesome four years. I'm very glad that six years ago I decided to apply for vet school. Even though it seemed sudden, it was something I had thought about for my whole life. I was very happy the day I left Saint Ambrose. The day I leave Iowa State will be full of mixed emotions. I'm grateful for each experience I've had here and I'm excited for the future.