Monday, October 25, 2010

Social Network

"You don't get 500 million friends without making a few enemies."

This past weekend I went to the movie "Social Network" with my sister Sadie and my good friend Anna.  It was an entertaining movie filled with words that reminded me of my old days in computer classes.  The movie was basically a history of Facebook, or The Facebook as it originally began.  It was interesting to see what Mark has gone through since 2003.  I looked up the "History of Facebook" on Wikipedia afterwards to double check some of the parts of the movie, and it all checked out.  It turns out Napster and Facebook really are related.  Who would have thought my two favorite websites in college were linked.  I joined The Facebook in 2004, the first year it could be accessed outside of Harvard University.  When I first joined The Facebook, it was a fun way to write little things about myself, my interests, my classes, etc.  Now it has turned into the primary way I keep in contact with high school friends and relatives that live out-of-state.  Facebook was actually the primary means of communication between Nate and I when we first met.  I have a near 50-page Word document of our messages back and forth to each other from the first few months-- those were the days before Facebook Chat.

The best part of seeing the movie Social Network wasn't the movie, it was the people I spent the time with.  If babies can have friends, I have been friends with Anna for 25 years.  Even though I'm only 3 hours away from home during vet school, I don't get to go home nearly as much as I would like.  As graduation draws closer, I look forward to spending more time with the people that have shaped me into the person I am today.

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